Format colour for radio button, selected text, and answer box | XM Community
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I am looking to format the radio buttons and multi-answer box to all white (#FFFFFF) for both unselected and selected choices. Currently, I have this custom code in the CSS box:
.Skin .QuestionText , .Skin .LabelWrapper{

This seems to change the text colour to white, but does nothing for the answer boxes and the unselected radio buttons. 

Any thoughts on how to fix this? Many thanks!


I am looking to format the radio buttons and multi-answer box to all white (#FFFFFF) for both unselected and selected choices. Currently, I have this custom code in the CSS box:
.Skin .QuestionText , .Skin .LabelWrapper{

This seems to change the text colour to white, but does nothing for the answer boxes and the unselected radio buttons. 

Any thoughts on how to fix this? Many thanks!


Hi, Are you using a background color in look and feel and just want the all the text to be visible? If yes then you can just use a question container. Else this code should work.
.Skin label.q-radio {
    border: 2px solid #ffff;
.Skin input.TextEntryBox, .Skin .TE textarea, .Skin textarea{
    border: 2px solid #fff;

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