Get a slider value and write in the question | XM Community
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Hi everyone,

I want to get a value from the slider and write that down in the question

I don't know but it is not working

Could someone help me?




var val = jQuery("#QID58\\~1\\~true-result").slider("option", "value");

document.getElementById("upload1").innerHTML = val



Then use span function in the main html text

Thank you so much in advance
Hi @emabed could you not just do this with piped text, rather than custom code?
I was thinking on the same. you can do this with piped text using the question selected choices Clair,

how does one achieve this with a piped text?

You can't pipe the value until the page after the slider. I'm assuming you want the slider value in question text of the slider question. Two things:

  1. The first line of your JS wrong. You need to double escape ~. There really isn't any need to hard code QID numbers. Also, there is not a jQuery slider function (unless you are using a jQuery ui slider - which a Qualtrics slider isn't). The correct JS would be:
     jQuery("#"+this.questionId+" .ResultsInput").val();

  2. Even if your JS were correct, you would only be displaying the initial value of the slider when the page loads. You need to use a MutationObserver to update the value each time the slider value updates.

mihaidricu If piped text does end up being a good solution, there is a detailed help page here:
And this image shows how you get to it:

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