Going back to previous question/block without allowing changing previous response | XM Community
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Hi guys! I want to make a survey such that:

  • participants can go back to previous questions: this is already achieved through [Survey Option] - [back button]

  • participants can see their selected answers but CANNOT change them

I found this thread very helpful https://www.qualtrics.com/community/discussion/3848/restrict-changing-past-answers which used a genius way that somehow "freeze" a question when the "next" button on that page is clicked.
It basically defines a piece of embedded data "Flag1" as an indicator, and
Untitled.pngWhile it works perfectly for multiple choice question, this methed seems not to work with sliders and text entries (and probably some others). I suppose some slight adjustment should make it work. Sadly, I know basically nothing about JQuery and very little about Javascript, so I really don't understand what exactly is going on there.
Does anyone have any suggestions?

Try: input.prop("disabled",true);
You can disable all the elements with jQuery. You can use the developer tools in the browser to help pinpoint the input if you need help with that.

Thank pogi! I tried add something like

But they did not prevent me from moving the slider. Am I doing it wrong?

This https://www.qualtrics.com/community/discussion/2385/prevent-changing-the-handle-in-a-slider-question solves the problem perfectly!

Be careful with this solution, the slider can still be changed using the keyboard after disabling pointer events.

Hi ahmedA , thanks so much for the heads-up! I never knew it. Do you have an alternative solution by which we can disable the slider entirely?

Nope. I haven't been able to figure out the slider yet. Perhaps in a few days I may have an answer.

Could you just hide it and display the numerical value on return or display a second slider set to the appropriate selection but will not record on the original question?

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