Google drive embed video not playing in safari | XM Community
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I need to embed google drive video to my survey but somehow it is not working on safari browser. I’m using iframe tag to embed the same as shown below, do anyone have any idea how I can fix this?

<iframe src="" width="640" height="480"></iframe>
Hi @Yash ,

This might be a long-standing problem with Safari (it is related to how Safari uses cookies) - see here (

A workaround might be to use Meta Info Question at the start. Then, once you know the user's browser, you can create a check if they are using Safari browser. If so, you might want to show them a version of the question that instructs them to copy-paste the google drive URL and go there manually, rather than embedding it into it. Alternatively, you might want to consider uploading the video on youtube/Vimeo to avoid such problems.

If security is an issue, you might want to embed the video but for the Safari users, give them the link and also put a password?

Hope that helps.


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