Having Text Entry Formatting Controls Available for Survey Takers | XM Community
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I apologize if this is covered in other areas of the community --- I’m new and I did look and could not find the request --- but could it be possible to have formatting options (like I see when I make this post or have available when I am writing survey text) available to survey takers when they are responding to a text entry box?

We use some surveys where the survey taker may respond in several paragraphs and unformatted text is often hard to read.

Thanks for considering, of if I have missed this feature, let me know how to implement this.

you can create one embedded field for one open end question and pipe that question response under that embedded field. Then you will get the whole response of one question in one paragraph. But please test the data before launch.

@ewilliamsen - It is possible to use a WYSIWYG JS library that allows the respondent to format a textarea (Text Entry - Essay question) similar to a Community post using html behind the scenes. The issue is that the html will get encoded when it is saved to the Qualtrics server so it won’t help with readability on the back end (actually, it will make it harder). 

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