Help-Text Button -- Bulleted List / Line Breaks | XM Community
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Hello All,
I have reduced the length of my questions by adding help text into a 'More Info' button that you can click on and it will bring up the help text for a choice in a matrix style question. However, I can not figure out how to make format the text within the button to create a bulleted list (preferred) or line breaks to split up my text.
Question Text goes here
With this code, the button works. the text 'help text 1 help text 2' appears but I would like the help text to be on separate lines, preferably with bullets.
Any advice? I used /n

  • sorta things but they never worked so just hoping for some help.

Update, I was able to add bullets to the text. Still can not figure out line breaks. Any help would be appreciated.

Update. Solved.
I used \\u2022 to create a bullet and \\n with no spaces around it to create a line break.

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