help with image display randomization | XM Community
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I am in desperate need of help designing a study. I should add that I am a recent post-bac with little coding experience.
We are trying to present a series of stimuli. First, participants will see 160 pairs (320 total images) of scenes. Is there an easier way to do this than manually putting them all in block by block? They then answer a series of questions about the pair of images.
Then, they are going to see a subset of 90 images (out of 400 total). The thing is these images need to be displayed randomly, and each have their own set of questions. So, of the 400, half are images "A", with attached specific questions and half of the images, "B" with attached different specific questions. How in the heck do I do this? I know some code will likely need to be involved but I'm confused as to how to source the images (I have uploaded them all to my Qualtrics library).
Any help would be greatly appreciated, I am running on a tight deadline and avoiding inputting these all in manually would be a big help.

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