Hidden text | XM Community
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There is too much content, but it cannot be deleted.


I want to hide the contents of the brackets, click on the content before the brackets, and then display the contents in the brackets.


Is there a way to use js to achieve it? I don't know very well.

Thank you for your help.
I want to display completely on one screen on my phone.
@Cathaya ,

You can use below code along with answer choices.

eg: <span title="contents">ⓘ

</span> `<span title="My tip 1">ⓘ</span>`

You can add contents inside title to display in mouse over.
> @PraDeepKotian_Ugam said:

> @Cathaya ,


> You can use below code along with answer choices.

> eg: <span title="contents">ⓘ


> </span> `<span title="My tip 1">ⓘ</span>`


> You can add contents inside title to display in mouse over.

I don't understand your thoughts very much. Can you tell me in detail? Thank you.
@Cathaya you need to add that code in beside answer choices options you use.

example: option 1 `<span title="My tip 1">ⓘ</span>`

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