Hidden Word count | XM Community
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Dear all,

I am currently working on a survey where the particpant needs to fill out a text entry question (essay question). In order to control for the words written, I would like to have a word count, which is NOT shown to the participant but gives me the possibility to rule out any outliers in the analysis.

Can you think of a solution for my problem?

Thnak you in advance
@JoJan do you want the word limit to prevent the user from advancing in the survey/submitting? Or, do you just want this to be a flag for filtering your data?
@ClairJ thanks for your response. the world count is supposed to just give ME the information of how many words haven been written by the participant, as I need this number for later analysis.
Right, so this discussion may shed some light on how to do it in Qualtrics.

I would actually do it in Excel though, using the formula shared on this page.

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