Hide answer choices from consecutive dropdown lists | XM Community
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Hi community,
I have a question in the survey to select Top choices from a table of dropdown lists. I am using a Matrix Table, Profile Dropdown list with 3 rows, each with a dropdown list next to it; looks something like this:
Top 1 ________
Top 2 ________
Top 3 ________
All dropdown lists should have the same answer choices. However, I want to hide those that were already selected. In other words, if the respondent chose option 1 as 'Top 1', I want to hide that once she/he makes a selection for 'Top 2'. Unfortunately I couldn't find anything like this in the forums.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you!

Hi Guest I'm sure someone will be able to provide a custom code solution, but as someone who is not great with coding, I would probably set this up as a drill down question, set up so that subsequent choices filter out what has already been selected. More on that here: https://www.qualtrics.com/support/survey-platform/survey-module/editing-questions/question-types-guide/specialty-questions/drill-down/
Another option would be to split this into multiple questions and use logic to display the right choices based on the responses to the previous questions.

Hi ClairJ ,
thank you very much. Worked perfectly. Much appreciated!

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