Hide footer in some pages with a logic | XM Community
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By default, I have a footer that shows up in all survey pages. I need the footer to display only on the 1st display page.

In order to get the footer to display only on the first page I am using attaching this jquery to all pages where I want the footer hidden. *jQuery("#Footer").hide();* this is now working.

The issue I am having now is that based on a link condition, the first page of the survey can be page1 or page2. This means. I have 2 scenarios.

1. I access the survey using link1. This should start on pag1, pag2, pag3. Footer displays only on pag1. and hidden by the jquery on subsequent pages.

2. I access the survey using link2. This should start display pag2 first. Footer is not displayed and hidden by jquery I applied.

Any ideas?


I am using the footer to display a disclaimer. The message is meant to be presented only on the 1st page of the survey. I do not know how to do that.

Secondly, I have a logic in my survey that based on embedded data, it will decide which page from the survey to be presented first. In general, these will be alternated between the 2 first pages of the survey.

so even if I would like to apply a hide code I would need to fix it to the question in the page, I am looking for something more dynamic that would not hide the footer only when the first page is loaded.

For more substantive help you will need to attach a .qsf with a minimal, reproducible example.

Based only on what you've asked, I can advise you to use embedded data at the start to find out where the participants are coming from (i.e. what link they clicked on).

Then, in your javascript add a simple condition that checks which link they clicked and then decide whether to hide the footer on page 2.

Hope that helps.
Thank you.

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