Hide radio buttons in Side by Side question with carry forward statements | XM Community
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I have a side-by-side question (Question ID 47), in which I have ten carried forward statements from a previous question (Question ID 12). In the columns, I have four columns, with three options as radio buttons (Yes/No/Don't know).

I want to hide the radio buttons only in the first three columns and the 7th and 8th statement (if these two are carried forward), as follows:


How can I do this?


Many thanks!


You can write JS onready on the carry forward question. Extend this code, by changing the c4,c9,c14 value and eq value as required.


Hope it helps!


Appreciate the quick reply! 

It works when I preview the question, but it does not seem to work when I preview the whole survey…

Do you know what could have gone wrong?


Appreciate the quick reply! 

It works when I preview the question, but it does not seem to work when I preview the whole survey…

Do you know what could have gone wrong?

Try publishing the survey it should work.


Publishing didn't work.

@BerkayA Can you share a screenshot of how you have included it in your survey?



So now I can see it when I do “preview question”, but when I preview the survey or somebody else tests the survey the radio buttons appear.

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