Hiding Entire Rows in Matrix, Depending Upon Answers to Previous Questions | XM Community
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I am attempting to design an ego-network survey in Qualtrics, which focuses on people identifying individuals they know, how they know them, and if these people in turn know each other. Right now I am stuck on a key part of the survey.

In short, one main section of a survey consists of 25 text entry boxes, all of which do not need to be filled. Respondents are to enter names of people that they know in these text boxes. After this, I need to create a matrix table that includes all of the names entered in the response boxes. I have attempted setting it up to where the first column of the matrix pulls from the 25 text entry boxes, but I run into an issue when a textbox is blank. In the later matrix, response options still appear in rows even where there is no name due to the text entry box from which the value was pulled being empty (again, respondents cannot be required to enter all 25 names for the purposes of this survey, they are only given the option to).

My question is: is there a form of custom code that would allow me to hide an entire row of a matrix if the statement box for that row is empty? I have attempted everything I know working within Qualtrics that does not involve using JavaScript and I have not been able to resolve this issue.
You don't need JavaScript to do this. There may be a couple of different ways to do it depending on how you set up you text entry boxes.

If you have a text entry form with 25 boxes, the easiest would be to carryover the statements to your Matrix using "Entered Choices - Entered Text".

If you don't have a text entry form, you can use display logic on each of the rows along the lines of "If text question not empty".
Fixed it! Thank you.

As a follow-up, is there a way to set it where a matrix table automatically splits into a new table after so many statements are asked. The matrix table I am designing can range between a dozen and around 100 statements, so it would be nice if I could set it where the 100 statement version isn't all condensed into one table. Again though, I can't determine ahead of time just how many statements a respondent will be exposed to.

I believe the repeat header feature should be helpful. Please check 4th option under this documentation...


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