hiding the "next" button until a text response is made | XM Community
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Hello! I am trying to display a text entry question (only question on the page) for a maximum of 30 seconds. If a response is not entered within 30 seconds, the question will automatically advance. If a response is entered, I would like the next button to appear so that the user does not need to wait until the 30 seconds are up before going to the next page.

I was able to use JavaScript to hide the next button (thanks to a different discussion thread); however, I have not been able to figure out how to make the next button appear in response to a key press (i.e., when the user types something in response to the text entry question on the page).

Many thanks in advance for the help.
Go through below post

Hello @JenniferS ,

Paste the following code in the js(onLoad) of the text entry question

var that=this.questionId;



if(jQuery(this).val() != ''){






The above code will check the user has input the text and accordingly show or hide the next button. For auto-advance, add timer question on the same page with following settings(see image)

Thank you @Shashi, that code is working! I greatly appreciate the help.

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