Hot Spot Like/Dislike Customization | XM Community
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Some background: I am using the Like/Dislike Hot Spot question to turn a paper survey into an interactive online survey. I used the hot spot question because it allows me to make custom buttons on a custom graphic (the original paper survey jpegs). It's going to be given to children pre-K - 5th grade so the larger "click response area" is ideal, but the green/red color response is not. Green and red inherently imply right and wrong; which signals to the student correct/incorrect, even though that is not what it actually means in this case. We used the like/dislike option because we need two response options.

I want to be able to customize the color of the responses on the customer/participant facing side of a Hot Spot question. I was hoping to write some custom code to turn the response a light grey color. This way they can see that they've selected it, but not have any indicator of correctness. We will also need a second custom color for a second response. This response is selected far less frequently and currently we use the double-click/red response for this. Maybe it could be a light yellow, or just having a code where I could change the color manually would be great.

I am hoping someone is much better with coding than I am and can help me.

Has anyone tried to do this before with any success? I have found a couple similar questions in the community, but no solutions yet.

Thanks in advance!!

@Kinney_V - I'm pretty sure you can't. Qualtrics converts the image to an SVG, so there is no way to control it (i.e., changes to an SVG have to be done from within the SVG which you don't have access to)
Hi @TomG, thanks for the info! Excuse my ignorance, do you mean that the button that I created is converted to an SVG, or the entire image, including the buttons are? How likely is it that I could convince them to give me access to the SVG or the XML text file? Thanks again!
The entire image is an SVG. I don’t see how you would be able change the SVG. You should put in a feature request to pick a color scheme in the question options, then the SVG could be created with the color scheme you define. Unfortunately, feature requests are longer term things.

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