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Our board and executive committee recognize that the digital dragons

<div class="tooltip1"><img src="https://cathayaresearch.au1.qualtrics.com/CP/Graphic.php?IM=IM_afPMXhXxtglVBsx" style="width: 12px; height: 14px;" />

<div class="tooltiptext1"><b>ROLLOVER DEFINITION:</b><br />

Gartner defines a Digital Dragon as an organization beyond even a conventional IT giant.


<li>A Dragon is a large company with hyperscale technical platforms that offers leading edge services in AI, Internet of Things etc., and orchestrates digital ecosystems.</li>

<li>A Dragon plays multiple roles beyond IT provider such as payments, logistics and sometime competes in industries like banking and retail.</li>

<li>Each organization must identify their own dragons, but companies like Alibaba, Amazon, Google and Tencent are often candidates.</li>




having an increasing impact on all industries

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Hello @Cathaya ,

Try using/implementing this

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