How can I access graphics in my library using JavaScript? | XM Community
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I want to implement a memory game in Qualtrics. Originally, using VS Code, the game consists of a JavaScript file, CSS file and a HTML document. The game can be played by running the HTML document, while the folder with the corresponding graphics is loaded in VS Code. I know that I can add JS code to a question, custom CSS in the design section and HTML by using the rich content editor. Now, I struggle with accessing the graphics that I loaded in my Qualtrics library in JS code. Can anyone help?

Graphics you can access Qualtrics in two ways...

  1. Loading Graphics on some graphics servers such as S3 and adding absolute path of it in your code.

  2. In Qualtrics - Navigate to "Library" section - "Graphics Library" - create folder (if required) and add all relevant graphics in here. Copy Graphic URL and paste the absolute path in your code

All the very best for your project! you!

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