How can I build a branch logic based on the median score of all previous respondents? | XM Community
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Hi everyone, I am struggling with the following challenge and would really appreciate some help!
In the survey I am designing I am asking respondents to complete a task, which consists of a set of questions. The task is scored, so that each respondent receives an individual score. I then want to split the survey into two branches (A & 😎 and divert respondents to either branch A or branch B based on whether their score is lower of higher than the median score (i.e. the median score based on previous respondents' test scores) . I am struggling with this challenge because I don't know how to create a branch logic which takes into account the median score of previous respondents.
Can this be done and how? Thank you!

Not sure if my explanation finds you of any help but I will give a try.
So each link acts as one survey session which will not help in getting rest of the sessions data implies no way to collect score of all amd find median.
What I suggest is to collect all these data and then resend follow up survey to those respondents based on there score to whichever branch A or B they will fall into.

FilippoMF ,
The only information available within a survey that includes other responses is quotas.
You could achieve your goal using web service and storing the score information externally. The web service would add the respondents score to the list of scores, then calculate and return a median.

Thanks TomG !
What type of web service would you recommend me to use? Could I for example store the score information in a google spreadsheet?

I would store the scores in a database table on the same web server where you host the web service script.

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