How can I change the CSS to re-size the width of a response box? | XM Community
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Hi all! Hope everyone is well!
I'm looking to find out if I can re-size a box that asks users to input a dollar value in my survey?
Screen Shot 2020-12-08 at 5.29.06 AM.pngSpecifically, I'd like to increase the width of each box containing the '0's. I have looked at the code, but can't see where I could make this change?
Any ideas are more than welcome - many thanks in advance!

If it's a matrix question. Use the following CSS to change its width:

.Skin .Matrix .CS td input,.Skin .Matrix .RO td input{width: 3em;text-align:center;}

However, from the screenshot, it appears that your firm is already using some custom CSS, due to which it may cause conflicts.

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