How can I disable a dropdown list in a second column if N/A is selected in column 1? | XM Community
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I have two columns in a side-by-side question. Column 1 has options 1-4, the 4th of which is 'N/A'. Is there a simple way I could disable the second column if 'N/A' is selected in column 1?
Right now I have
jQuery("#"+this.questionId+" input[type='radio']").on('click',function(){
jQuery(" id='QR~QID106#2~1']").prop("disabled", true);
       jQuery("id='QR~QID106#2~2']").prop("disabled", true);
       jQuery("id='QR~QID106#2~3']").prop("disabled", true);
but because I have three rows, the above disables the second column entirely if option 4 is selected for ANY of the three rows. How can I edit this so it only disables the row where N/A is selected in the first column?

Don't use ids. Find the second column element relative to the first. For example, if the second column is a text input:
var col1 = jQuery(this);
if(col1.val()==4) col1.closest("tr").find(".InputText").prop("disabled",true);

TomG thanks for the tip, I will try that. What if it's a dropdown list in the second column instead of a text input? find(".InputText") to find("select").

TomG Ok thanks! I got it working somewhat:
jQuery("#"+this.questionId+" input[type='radio']").on('click',function(){
  var col1 = jQuery(this);
  if(col1.val()==4) col1.closest("tr").find("select").prop("disabled",true);
but my issue now is that if I click on N/A and change to one of the other three options, the dropdown list stays disabled. Is there a way I can tweak this further so the dropdown is re-enabled if the selected option is changed?

Add an else to your if to reenable it.

TomG Thank you so much! Think it's working well now:
 jQuery("#"+this.questionId+" inputttype='radio']").on('click',function(){
  var col1 = jQuery(this);
  if(col1.val()==4) col1.closest("tr").find("select").prop("disabled",true);
       col1.closest("tr ").find("select").prop("disabled",false);

How do I find the "questionID"? don't need to.

IS the question id.

Thank you for sharing this; it works wonders! If I wanted to apply this code to a question where the second column is a radio button (Yes/No), what would I use in place of find("select")?

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