How can I do this? | XM Community
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Hello people,

I have just started using the Qualtrics survey platform and I have the below situation.

I have a timed ranking survey with 10 questions, each with it's own block and each block includes in addition a timer to countdown from 30 seconds. Each question has 5 answers that I need respondents to rank using drag and drop. After the time reaches to 0, the survey auto advances to the next question, until the end message. Each question is forced, so respondents can't leave them unanswered. There are no validations configured.

Present state:
In this current configuration the survey's behavior is to repeat the same question indefinitely with a new 30 seconds timer, if there is no ranking action performed by the respondent, until at least 1 answer is ranked.

Desired state:
I would like to achieve the following survey behavior:

  • IF the respondent touches the question box (hover over with the mouse or touch the phone screen) AND doesn't rank any answer in a question AND the timer finishes with auto submit THEN repeat the same question at the end of the survey. This applies for all questions. If they remain unranked at all, that question repeats itself at the end of the survey.

  • IF the above happens more than 3 times in a row THEN the survey ends with a custom message.

  • IF the respondent doesn't touch the question box AND doesn't rank any answer in a question AND the timer finishes with auto submit (respondent is AFK) AND this happens 3 times in a row THEN end the survey with custom message.

Is there a way for me to achieve this? Can someone please help me?

Thank you in advance.

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