How can I find out the regions clicked in a heat map question? | XM Community
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I've got a series of heat map questions where participants click 6 times on an image. The image contains three different categories of regions.
My exported data shows a list of regions clicked, but it does not show if the same region was clicked twice (i.e. in a large region). Is there a way to get my output to show which regions each click occurred in? or even to follow the x and y coordinates in the output file with the region the click was in with a true or false statement? (i.e. was this click in region A? Y/N)?
My assumption is that something could be done with javascript but I have no knowledge of this.
Any thoughts/ ideas/ or help would be greatly appreciated
Karl 🙂

Is there any way to record whether someone had made multiple clicks in a single region in a meat map question? I'm letting participants click on 6 locations in an image but they choose may click on the same location twice. The data file and report only show a 1 saying this region was selected, regardless of whether it was selected multiple times. Is there any way to get this information without actually looking through each participants individual responses?

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