How can I get details from Qualtrics to a third party texting company? | XM Community
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Hi folks,

What I am trying to do is send out texts to participants for three months. I started using actions, but then i realised I don't have maximum control of the scheduled time. For instance, if someone receives a text today (05/02) then the 5 texts I want to send in 3 months they are going to be received in the same day on the (05/05). Is there any way to gain more control using the actions? Or is there any way to get the phone-numbers automatically to a third party company which will text the participants?
Right now there isn't a way to delay triggering a web service in the actions. It sounds like that's what you are looking for.

Options I can think of are:

a) Submit a feature request/product idea to add a dealy to the web service action (it's already available in email just not in web service)

b) Build a middleware to do the delay (using actions or API)

c) Use an existing middleware like Zappier or Mulesoft that has delay options. The action would call the service the service would have a delay built in and then push the data to your thrid party.

c) Use email to somehow push the data to your SMS third party (email has a delay option). There are some services that can take data from an email and ingest. (Not ideal)

d) Have your survey add users to a contact list and through contact list distribution automation send an SMS (there are delays in the contact list automation but I haven't tested also appears you need to send a survey link but again haven't tested this.)

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