How can I have respondents provide a list of text responses? | XM Community
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I need to get a list of local organizations from each respondent. I figured I could just provide instructions and then have a series of text boxes below the instructions for them to enter one organization name in each box. The closest thing to a solution I've found is the "form" option but that requires labels for each box, which I don't want. I tried just using numbers as labels (1, 2, 3, 4...) but then you end up with the number followed by a big space before the text box. Any ideas for how to eliminate the space or the box labels altogether would be great. Thanks.

Addendum: I need to be able to pipe those text responses in to subsequent questions.

Just add the below 2 line of code in addOnReady function,
var qid = this.questionId
jQuery("#"+qid).find("tbody tr").find("td:eq(0)").css('display','none')

Wow. Worked like magic! Thanks.

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