How can I repeat one question in the beginning of each page? | XM Community
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In my survey, I have 500 pages with 5 questions on each page. I want to add one more question and the same question at the beginning of each page. As my survey has too many papes, is there a way to do it automatically instead of manually copy+paste that question on every page for 500 times in total? It seems that the feature "loop & merge" can repeat a question but one question by one question, but not one page by one page. I wil really appreciate the help!
If you have your pages organized through the survey flow branches, I think you should be able to add that question to the beginning of each branch. The branches can use logic where the condition would be true each time so then each branch would be shown to your respondent.
The branch can only work across blocks. Here each page including the question I want to add is one block. I do not think I can branch within a block.
Good point. I'm stumped.
Hi @Pei_2009 ,

I've experienced something similar before. Short of exporting you survey and trying to add your question using the qualtrics coding (Export -> Export Survey; it should be a .qsf file open-able with a text editor) - which I don't really recommend - I didn't find anything else.

Hope that helps (at least a little bit).

Dear Nikolay,

That seems very complicated. I need to write a loop code of generating the same question every time when the responder moves to a new page. That is fine. But it seems that I need to write that text into a JSON file like .qsf file which Qualtrics can identify. Is that what you mean by "add your question using the qualtrics coding"?

Hi @Pei_2009 ,

Not exactly. If you export your entire survey in .qsf format (Export -> Export Survey) you can see that you can actually open and edit this file. If you edit it so that you include your question at in every block, you can re-import it back into Qualtrics.

The worry is that it's very difficult to edit this file - the coding is quite confusing (or at least it was for me).

Good luck.


Yes. I found it quite difficult to edit this file, especially if I want to add the same questions many times, I can either do copy+paste the question at every place in the code it should be, or I write a for-loop in a .txt and convert it that to .qsf file. Any alternative way?

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