How can I resize 1 target image and 2 answer options in multiple-choice questions to be bigger? | XM Community
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I have multiple-choice questions with 1 target image + 2 answer options which are also images. The target image + two answer options appear in the same row. The problem is that the images appear smaller than I would want. The total width of the images in the same row seems to always be the same regardless of the number of images in the same row. Is there a way to increase it? Even if I manage to resize the images, they appear small when I preview the question. you include a screenshot in your question? Also, have you tried changing width of div graphics container?

Sc.JPGYes, I have tried changing the width of div graphics container and it changes the size of the image in the editing view but the images appear small again in the preview.
The total width of the images doesn't increase from what it is in the screenshot.

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