How can I set a timer on one page of my survey? | XM Community
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How can I set a timer on one page of my survey so that respondents only see that page for a designated period of time before the survey automatically forwards to a set of questions on the next page? I have searched the community for answers and the auto advance and timer question options seem to provide something in the ballpark, but not exactly what I need. To be clear, I don't need respondents to enter any response on this page of the survey, I just want to control how long they view a particular page before the survey automatically forwards to a set of questions on the next page. I don't want this to enable a "back" button that allows respondents to go back to the previous page.

Stack overflow has this great little sleep demo I found and use on occasion. Instead of writing out console.log messages when the timer completes its countdown, you're going to want to call the Qualtrics question API clickNextButton() to advance the page automatically. Since the back button is disabled by default, you should be good to go after you get that timer script working. Post back here if you get stuck.

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