How can I set a timer to expel participants that takes too more or less than 20 mintues? | XM Community
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I have a problem with my experiment.

I have a part in my experiment when participants have to wait for 20 minutes before proceeding to the next part. But since they do it from home and are paid for their participation, I would like to screen out and expel those who try to cheat their way and take less or more time to return.

What I originally tried was setting embedded data variables:

t1 - the time they reached the part where they had to wait (for example 14:20).

t2 - the time they clicked to move to the next part (for example 14:40).

t3 - subtracting t1 from t2 to get how much time they waited.

This is the equation I created: $e{e://Field/t1 - e://Field/t2}

Then I tried to set logic rules that if t3 is smaller than 17 or bigger than 25, they would be screened out. But it didn’t work.

What did I do wrong? Is there a better option?

Have a good weekend.



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