How can I transform/format text from embedded data? | XM Community
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How can I transform/format text from embedded data?

  • 1 July 2019
  • 3 replies

I have a survey where I am passing several values via a query string. Some of the values contain two words. In some of my questions, I need to be able to pipe the embedded data element into the question text. But I need to able to transform/format the value so that it is makes sense in the question. For example, embedded data "pathway" = "career-mgmt," I want to pipe "Career Management" in the question. How can I accomplish this?
Use the Survey flow to capture the data in the URL. Then simply use logic so that If Embedded data "pathway"="career-mgmt" then "Patwat Text"="Career Management". Pipe the new category "Pathway Text" into your question.

Would I need to set up a separate branch for each possible value that could be use for "pathway"?
@ambrubaker Most likely. Unless for some reason you have multile URLs query strings that only need one display name.


The URL is ?pathway=career-mgmt or pathway=career-mgmtA or pathway=career-mgmtB... Then you could set it up such that If "pathway" CONTAINS "career-mgmt" then Pathway Text= Career Management.


the URL is ?pathway=career-mgmt or pathway=advisor or pathway=academic-advisor ... Then you could set it up such that If "pathway" = "career-mgmt" OR "pathway" ="advisor" OR "pathway"="academic advisor" then Pathway Text= Career Management Center.

I would also urge you to be very aware of your spaces and capitialization in this process. It won't read the embedded data EXACTLY matches so do lots of testing! I've gotten burned on that one one time too many.

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