How can i use my own text as default in dropdown question | XM Community
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Hello! How can i use my own text as default in dropdown question? The text isn't one of the answer option, anyone can help?
Hi @Ab_kc,

I am considering you have a single answer question and you have selected drop-down option.

One easy way is - keep your first option as your own default text.

Add a validation where anyone selecting your own default text option could not go through.

HI @Subu,

Thanks for your suggestion, unfortunately i need to stick with dropdown format.

Do you mean something like this?


Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnload(function() {

jQuery("#"+this.questionId+" select option:first").prop("selected",true).html("Pick one");



Hi TomG,
I have one single select question in the survey and for the selection of any code, I have to some answer options in the same question. Could you please let me know is that possible in qualtrics?

Ashish_Kumar123 - Sorry, but it isn't clear to me what you are asking.

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