How can you adjust the length of the slider bar in the Slider question? | XM Community
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I need to decrease the size of the slider bar in the Slider bar question for a study I am running for my doctoral research (i.e., if it's normally, say, 400 pixels long, I need it to be more like 200 pixels long), and I know I should be able to do so using JavaScript but I have no idea where to start. Does anyone know how to do this? Or any resources that might be helpful? I haven't found anything like what I need in the Qualtrics API...

Thank you in advance!!
Within this question, find all the elements with a class of 'track' and change the max width to 200px:


jQuery("#"+this.questionId+" .track").css("max-width","200px")

Thanks, TomG! That did the trick. I really appreciate your help!

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