How do I add HTML content into a question? | XM Community
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I am trying to add a question to my survey based on the instructions provided at:

I don't know how to edit the HTML of my survey though - where do I put the code that should be between the <head> and </head> tags? And if I put the content that belongs between the <form> tags in my question's HTML will that work?

The reason I'm not using the javascript version provided ( is that it does not work on mobile devices.

This looks like instructions for a very old version of Qualtrics. Can you tell us instead what type of question you are trying to add? It very well be native now.
You're right that the instructions on how to add the Dynamic Identity Fusion Index (DIFI) by adding JavaScript are for an old version of Qualtrics, but it works in the latest version. The only problem is it doesn't work on mobile devices and there are some other technical difficulties. This is why I want to use the HTML version of the DIFI, but I'm not sure how to do this? Here is a demo of the DIFI:
Ahh, I see what you're trying to do now. Thanks for the explanation. You can access the HTML behind the questions but I've no experience in putting complex code there so I have no idea what will happen. Let us know if that works for you!

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