How do I avoid that the visual focus automatically jumps into an answer field upon loading a page? | XM Community
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Hi all,
I am struggling with the following thing: when I load a page of my survey and there are form field or text entry questions on it, the visual focus of the page automatically shifts to the last answer field on that page. That is, the last answer field is displayed at the center of the screen and - depending on the length of the question(s) - one has to scroll up to see the first question. Instead, I want it to display the page in chronological order (i.e., show the question text of the first question on top).
Furthermore, the cursor is displayed in this last answer field (i.e., this is the answer field which one is currently editing once the page is loaded - if one were to press any buttons, they appear in this answer field). Instead, I would prefer if no answer field was automatically targeted upon page loading.
This is particularly annoying in the mobile view, because in some occasions one cannot see the whole page. One first (and manually) has to scroll up to the top of the page to read the question text. Furthermore, the mobile keyboard automatically opens upon page loading and is spread of the screen (which further limits what one can actually see once the page is loaded), since Qualtrics automatically targets the last answer field.
It would be amazing if anyone could help me out!

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