How do I change the spacings between the scale points in a bipolar likert scale? | XM Community
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How do I change the spacings between the scale points in a bipolar likert scale?

  • 17 December 2021
  • 4 replies

Bildschirmfoto 2021-12-17 um 12.35.55.pngHi, I'm trying to change (decrease and increase) the spacings between the scale points in a bipolar likert scale. Does anyone know how that works?

Try this JS and adjust px as required:
jQuery(".Skin .Matrix .Bipolar tr.ChoiceRow td").css({"padding-right":"30px","padding-left":"30px"});

rondev it worked, thank you so much! chance this can be altered to work on the slider question?

Try this JS and adjust px as required:
jQuery(".Skin .Matrix .Bipolar tr.ChoiceRow td").css({"padding-right":"30px","padding-left":"30px"});


@rondev - Hi. Thanks for the solution. This is working for me however is resulting in mis-alignment between labels and scale points. In the image below you can see 1 and 6 shifting far out from the points below.
Can you please suggest a way out of this issue. 

Thanks in advance!

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