How do I create two columns to have short questions next to each other for a survey form? | XM Community
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Demographic information question and answers are usually short (Name, Age). I would like to put like two of the questions next to each other instead of one occupying an entire row/line. 

Thanks in advance. 

We can use SBS or Matrix text entry question for this.

The solution is already shown by @Tom_1842 


You can use either side by side setup or you can create it using multiple choice questions.


Just replace question on below code. Make sure to use each question’s section tag (html tag mentioned in below screenshot) ID.


/*Place your JavaScript here to run when the page loads*/
jQuery("#question-QID1").css({"width": "200px !important", "float":"left"});
jQuery("#question-QID2").css({"width": "200px !important", "float":"left"});



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