How do I pipe words that have been previously piped and ranked? | XM Community
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My survey has participants select words from a list. These words get piped into a question where participants rank them. I want these ranked words to appear later in the study (via piping). On its own, Qualtrics cannot pipe new ranked words that have been previously piped into a ranking question. Is there Javascript that will allow me to do that? Thank you in advance!
Have you considered saving these words as embedded data and piping them from there later in the questionnaire?
I have, but I am not sure to do that after the words have been ranked. I am open to ideas!
Oh, yes, you are right... Embedded data allows for saving the highest or lowest only :(

do you need the choices in the ranking order later?
Yes, the words are piped into the ranking question. Once they have been ranked, they need to be saved in that order to be piped into sentences later. 🙂

You'll need to use JavaScript or a web service to do this.
Can you recommend any resources?
> @KTE said:

> Can you recommend any resources?

See this:
Thank you!

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