How do I program a slider question with additional question at end? | XM Community

How do I program a slider question with additional question at end?

  • 29 March 2021
  • 3 replies


I have attached an image of the question I am trying to program. There will be multiple rows of slider statements, each with different headers, and a selection question to the right. I know that Qualtrics has the ability to add "Not applicable" to the right of slider questions, but that's not what I'm looking for.
Qualtrics question - Retirement Study.PNG
Alternatively, I have currently programmed it as a Profile type question (screenshot below). However, if I go this route, I need to find JavaScript code that allows me to make 1-5 for each row exclusive from each other, and have "Surprised" be exclusive from "Not surprised". Where do I find this JavaScript?
Qualtrics question - Retirement Study2.PNG

3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +21

Perhaps you could look at having to difference questions without any question text in the later to reduce the gap.


Hi, thanks for the thought. Unfortunately, a side by side question limits me to the same scale points for each row. (So I couldn't have Easy - Difficult for the first statement and then Fulfilled - Not Fulfilled for the second).
Unless there's some JavaScript to input as a workaround?

Userlevel 7
Badge +21

I don't think the first option is possible via the default methods.
For option2, you could look at the side by side question.

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