How do I remove language options after 1st page? | XM Community

How do I remove language options after 1st page?

  • 2 February 2021
  • 2 replies

Hello, I have a survey in 2 languages (English/Spanish). The language option appears on every page of my survey. How can I make it only appear on the 1st page? I don't want participants to be able to change the language once they start the survey.  I was told to reach out to this community because it would require a custom code.


Best answer by PraDeepKotian_Ugam 19 February 2021, 06:45

View original

2 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +37

Hi Isaguirr,
Giving the option to change the language is a good practice in survey industry.
The survey language doesn't have an impact on the results so you should avoid to mask it on the subsequent pages.

Userlevel 6
Badge +21

Hi Isaguirr1821
Add below code in survey question on which you would like to show the language drop down


Add below code in Look & Feel -> Style->Custom CSS:
#Q_lang {
Hope this helps.
Note: Please test the survey link before going live.

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