How do you remove the borders in a side-by-side question? | XM Community
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I would like to remove the borders in a side-by-side format question, so that it is clear to participants that they should enter a number in the text box and also select a time scale for recurring meetings.
image.pngIf anyone could also provide any suggestions on how to remove the header space that is unneded and how to decrease the space between the columns, it would be greatly appreciated! (:

Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnReady(function () {
    let qc = this.questionContainer;
    qc.querySelectorAll("Sclass*=Separator]").forEach((item) => item.hide());
    qc.querySelectorAll("th").forEach((item) => ( = "Transparent"));
    qc.querySelectorAll("td").forEach((item) => ( = "Transparent"));

That did it, thank you ahmedA!!

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