I would like to autocode those who select answer in Q1 to hidden question in Q2
and use those autocode group to define the display logic in the following up question, Please help suggest the way to do that.
For example
Q1 : What are the categories that you normally decide to buy by yourself? (Multiple answer)
(1)Men's Fashion
(2)Women's Fashion
(3)Fashion Accessories
(5)Personal Care
(6)Health & Wellness
(7)Home Appliances
(8)Toys, Kids & Babies
Q2 : Hidden question - Grouping buyers (Multiple answer)
(1)Fashion - Autocode those who code 1-3 in Q1
(2)Beauty - Autocode those who code 4-6 in Q1
Q3 : xxxxx (Ask those who only code 1 in Q2)