How to centre the alternatives of a rank order question (text box)? | XM Community
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Hi everybody,

I am writing to you because I need help to overcome an issue. I created a rank order question (in this way: two options, horizontal alignment) to allow my participant to give an answer as a fraction (see the image). However, I would like the answer options to be in the center (no left) of the screen , like the text of the question. How can I do this?

Thank you for your help.


Just increase the .css width or padding of the boxes and push it to the % you feel is centered. Just verify the same on multiple devices too.

Hi @rgupta15,

thank you for your help. Unfortunately, I am new to Qualtrics and I don’t know how to apply what you have told me. Could you give me any further guidance?

Something like this

.text { text-align: center !important; }

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