How to create a alert message on multiple text entry (form) inputs? | XM Community
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Hi in my survey i have a question where responded have two text entries to fill.
1) Hours ________ (content validation numeric)
2) Minutes __________(content validation numeric)
I want to display and alert when a respondent enters something greater than 16 in hours filed. I have tried the following code on Ready and it does not seems to be working.
var q1 = jQuery("#"+this.questionId+"input[type=text]").eq(0).val();
if(q1 > 16) {
alert("Please check if your work time is correct");

How can i do this effectively i just want a warning where respondent can go proceed even if they get warning.

Personally I would create two separate test entry questions instead of a multiple entry question. It will look the same (or very similar) to participants and you can add separate min and maxes to each question for validation. and max can be added to the question i presented as well i guess, i was looking more towards warning which is not totally an error.

For any one looking for it I found the answer myself after going through a lot of hassle.
var msg = 'Your message'
var that = this.questionId;
jQuery("#" +that+" .InputText").on('blur',function(){
var q1 = jQuery("#"+that+" .InputText:eq(0)").val();
if(q1 > 16) {


The above code is just to check in the first field.

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