How to delay the slider bar from appearing for 5 seconds? | XM Community
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I am using slider bar in one of my questions. The questions involves two lines of text and a picture. However, I want the slider bar AND its correspnoding question to appear after 5 second. Can you please help me with that? I attached a screenshot and highlighted the items I want to appear with a delay.

Hello @busmarketing ,

Paste the below code in the js(onReady) of slider question

var that =this.questionId;

jQuery("#"+this.questionId+ " .QuestionBody").css("visibility","hidden");


jQuery("#"+that+" .QuestionBody").css("visibility","visible")

}, 5000);
Thanks a lot, @shashi
Hi @shashi

I'm trying to use the code you provided me for a multiple choice question, such that the choices (there are 2 choices only) appear after 2 seconds. The code does disappear the choices but then it won't show them back. Could you please guide me? Thanks.

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