How to disable copy and paste on half a page of a survey, but enable for the rest of the page? | XM Community
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Hi there. I'm trying to disable copy and paste on my one section of my descriptive text in my survey, but enable it in another. In other words, I have two questions (both simple descriptive texts) in one block, I want one to disable copy/paste, and another to enable.
I've inserted the following code to disable copy/paste (which worked); however, it disabled copy/paste for the entire page (which is not what I wanted):


Any help would be much appreciated .

Remove all this CSS and just add the following code to the JS of the question on which you want to disable copy/paste:
el = document.querySelector("#QR\\\\~"+this.questionId);
el.onpaste = function(){return false};
el.oncopy = function(){return false};
el.oncut = function(){return false};

Thank you Ahmed. Unfortunately the code didn't seem to work - I'm still able to select the text.

but can you copy it?

Yes it still copies

Please take a look at this demo. You can choose the relevant code that you want.

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