How to disable/freeze a slider? | XM Community
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Does anyone know how to disable/freeze a slider using javascript?

I am trying to make a survey with slider where people can go back and forth but would not be able to adjust their previous choices with sliders.

I would like to do something similar but have not found a solution yet. Would really appreciate it if anyone could help!
@TomG would you be able to help with this? Thank you so much!

chu_2024 I actually figured out a solution:

  • you create an embedded data to flag if the participant has submitted a response to the slider

  • check on load using this embedded data to determine if we want to disable the slider

var flag = parseInt("${e://Field/flag}");

jQuery("#"+this.questionId).css("pointer-events", "none");

if(type == "next")
Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.setEmbeddedData("flag", "1");

Note that this way of disabling is not perfect - you can still use "Tab" key to select the slider and move it with left and right arrow keys.

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