How to display a question each time a participant press a key and return to the stimulus ? | XM Community
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I try to make sure that a specific question is displayed each time a participant presses a a key, and that the participant returns to what he was doing once he has answered that question. The participant must be able to display this question several times during the experiment from several stimuli, and from the same stimuli, and go back to the previuous stimulus just after he give his answer by pressing a key.
The question is a grid made with side by side question, and stimuli will be texts.
Here a diagram of what I would like to do :
image.pngI know that I will need to implement a script in each text stimulus to display the question, and another script in the question to return to the stimulus preceding it.

For the stimulus i was thinking at something like this :
Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnReady(function() {                                         
 document.onkeydown = function(event) {                                                
   if(event.which == 73){                                                             
     // here the function to display the question                
And for the question something like that :
Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnReady(function() {                                          
 document.onkeydown = function(event) {                                                
   if(event.which == 72){                                                             
    // here the function to return to the specific previuous stimulus.                                                                    
I know it's a very long post, thank you for reading me, and thank you by advance to those who will answer me !

And obviously the question is how to do this? Is there a function to do this ?

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