How to display a value based on previous response | XM Community
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I am doing a survey in which I need to ask income to determine eligibility for financial assistance. Based on the response to the income question I want to display different co-payments to ask respondents how affordable they think they are.

For example, if a family of three had a monthly income of between $1181-$1260 they could have a co-payment of $10. But, if the same three person family had a monthly income of $2877-$3076 they'd have a co-payment of $87.50. There are about 30 "co-payment fee levels" based on family size by income.

I'm not able to figure out how to do that with piped text as I'm just getting the value of income they previously selected. I did a little googling and it looks like a "web service" might be useful for this, but I'm not sure.

If I was programming in another language what I'd want to be doing is a type of ifelse or case_when statement.

What is the best solution in Qualtrics?
So basically you need to know the family size for the respondent? If you have this information on a contact list, you could use the authenticator to pull this information in.
Thank you @Akdashboard, but not that's not quite it. I'm asking them their family size and income and then from that using a cross-walk/co-payment table that tells what a families co-payment would be based on those inputs. Then I want to display the amout from the co-payment table to ask respondents if it is something that would work for them. It's that value from the co-payment table that I need to figure out how to display based on respondent answers to the two preciding question of family size and income.
Then this is even easier! You just have 2 conditions for your display logic where you have the possible choices as separate display text questions. Then you can use the logic, like below, to display the correct choice.

Imagine that your chart had A and B at the top, and 1 and 2 on the side (family size and income) and the chart values are A1, A2, B1, B2.

Then all you need to do is set your display logic to "IF family size is equal to A AND income is equal to 1 THEN display" (for choice A1). Repeat for A2, B1, B2.

Does that make sense?
Yes, it makes sense. But, the problem is it'd be a very large number of different screens that I'd then have to reconcile into a single variable later in analysis. I have created a calculated variable that reduces the number of screens I'd have to do from 320 (income by family size combinations) to 29. But that is still 29 display logic screens I'd have to program and merge/calcualte in analysis. That maybe the only way, but it'd be preferrable if there was a way to do it all in one question. I saw your reply to a separate post of mine re: mulitple versions of verbiage. That might work/be a good solution for this issue.

*edited*: Not sure on the embedded data as I can only see how to make the embedded variable equal to the value from a previous response, not a different value based on a previous response value. Will have to play with it a bit I suppose.
Yeah, essentially I am suggesting the same thing just in 2 different ways.

In this thread I am saying you can have the question language be descriptive text questions (320), with appropriate display logic, that sit above a single answer question (so 1 constant 'answer' question and multiple descriptive questions above the 'answer' question).

In your other thread you are basically doing the same thing, but adding the question text to the 'answer' question by creating the language using branching logic in the survey flow and piping in the correct choice. I consider this approach a best practice for formatting reasons, but it is slightly more advance.

With both methods you are able to collect all the data in the same answer-bucket.

Another question. Given the number of options (320), would it not be more efficient to include their relevant co-payment as embedded data in the file, in the same way you include family size and income?
I was hoping to avoid having to have 320 versions of anything. Guess I was thinking there could be an ifelse/if then type programming.

the co-payment number is determined by the respondents response to questions about family size and income. I don't have that information a priori, have to collect it in the survey just before asking the co-payment question.

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