How to display question text/image left of answer choices in multiple choice questions? | XM Community
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Hi folks,
I am looking for a way to display a graphic to the left of the answer choices in a multiple choice question.
As you can see from the screenshot, I definded 2 delivery option bundles as the answer choices (Basic, Express). Now, I want an additional graphic explaining the dimensions of my delivery option bundles to be displayed to the left of the choices.
I have to ways in mind how to do this but unfortunately no idea how to realize them technically:
1) The additional graphic is displayed as the left-most choice option but survey participants are not able to select it. This is so far realized in the screenshot but I am unsure about how to prevent survey participants from choosing this explanation column.
2) The additional graphic is added to the question text box which is then displayed to the left of the choice options.
I hope it becomes clear what the issue is. Your help is very much appreciated.
Cheers, Felix


Can you share a screenshot/example of what you are aiming for? It's not clear from the question.

Hi Ahmed,
sure, no problem.
There are two ways to address my problem but I am not sure how to implement it technically.

1) In my multiple choice question, the survey participants should not be able to select the first choice (since it is only there for explanatory reasons):
or alternatively:
2) I include the information as a graphic in the question text and then the text should be displayed left of the answer choices so that everything ultimately looks like a table from which the participants can choose either package "Basic" or "Express".
Capture2.PNGThanks for your effort.
Cheers, Felix

For the first approach, see if this works :

For your second approach, you could look at the code below. It assumes that you are using a multiple choice question with a horizontal layout.
Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnReady(function () {
var table_row = this.getChoiceContainer().querySelectorAll("tr")[0];
    table_row.cellsw0].innerHTML = '';
    for (var i = 0; i < table_row.cells.length; i++) {
var pc = 100 / table_row.cells.length + "%";
table_row.cellsli].width = pc;

I just got the chance to try out both ways. Thank you very much, it works perfectly. you know how to modify this code to fit vertical layout?

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