How to enable full screen mode for embeded videos? | XM Community

How to enable full screen mode for embeded videos?

  • 28 October 2019
  • 7 replies

Hi guys,
I was hoping you could help me with the following problem.
In a Qualtrics survey, I would like to embed videos that are originally on Vimeo. I do this by using the following HTML code:

src="URL" width="640" height="360"
frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; fullscreen" allowfullscreen>

And although the original video has the option of playing full screen, this option seems to disappear when embedded in Qualtrics (or at least in the preview version of my survey).
Does anyone know, how I can remain the full screen function?

Thanks in advance, best regards,

This is how the video is presented in the preview version of my survey
And this is a screenshot of the original video on vimeo

7 replies

Try going to the video in question on Vimeo and clicking the 'share button' then copying/pasting the embed code they provide. That worked for me.


```<iframe src="" width="640" height="272" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; fullscreen" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<p><a href="">Find Focus: The 2020 Norco Optic and Bryn Atkinson</a> from <a href="">Norco Bicycles</a> on <a href="">Vimeo</a>.</p>

Another suggestion: If possible, you could use Youtube, as it works with the insert-media function outlined here:
@nrvonogd Thanks for your response!
Is the full-screen option also visible when you preview your survey? For me, the function is visible in the 'Edit Survey' section, where I embed the videos, however, again when I preview, it is not there.
I also tried copying the embed code provided by the share option of Vimeo. However, this does not solve the problem...
Hi there!

yeah it's there' when I preview. Here's a screenshot:


I'd be surprised if it's anything specific to your instance of Qualtrics - but would be curious what happens if you tried another video. Is it possible that video is also available on YouTube?
Thanks again for your response.
I tried a youtube video, and it turns out that also for this video the full-screen option is not available. So this is interesting, I guess this has something to do with the university account that I use for this..
Ah. hmm. It might be worth reaching out to your brand/division admin just to make sure. I happen to be a brand admin for my org, and I'm not aware of a setting that disables this off the top of my head (I wouldn't think Qualtrics could/would limit this) but I've been wrong before 🙂
I just wanted to check in and see if you had any luck?
Thanks for your interest, I tried asking the brand admin, but this does not seem to be a problem that has occurred before. The university accounts should not have any limitations of this sort. I am currently thinking about calling Qualtrics Support with this issue.

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