How to fix horizontal scale position in single page questions? | XM Community
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in my survey I'm presenting a couple of questionnaires organized in blocks. Each block uses advanced item randomization, with the item #1 always presented as 1st in a sequence. The reset of items in every block is randomized and presented on 1 per page basis:


The problem I would like to fix stems from the fact, that some items are longer (word count) and some are shorter. This forces the horizontal scale below each item to jump up and down between screens - usually by one or two lines.

Is there a way to - automatically - fix the position of a horizontal scale, so that no matter how long is the question, position of scale labels remains firm between screens (no matter what screen resolution is used by a participant)?

For instance, when building experiments in tools like E-Prime I always set my question alignment to be centered on the screen (50% horizontal and vertical), while the scale itself is presented at 10-15% from the bottom of the screen.

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